Never before has a genuine
Heads Up Display been accessible to flight simulation enthusiasts…

…until now.
Introducing the first-ever Heads Up Displays (HUDs) for flight simulation enthusiasts from Heads Up View. Now you can enjoy what modern military pilots experience with the DT1 and SC2 Heads Up Displays. The DT1 and SC2 are precision optics assemblies which project HUD data beyond and in front of the HUD's physical location just like in a real fighter jet. Known as 'collimation', this allows pilots to focus on the outside world while viewing critical flight information simultaneously. Our HUDs provide a genuine and affordable heads up display experience for all flight simulation aviators. This is the real deal. If you love flight simulation and want to enhance the realism of your flying experience, you’re going to want a genuine HUD from Heads Up View. Tested with DCS, MSFS2020, P3D, FSX, FS9 and Falcon BMS.
"A real HUD changes
~Skyward Flight Media
DT1 with DCS World